FCG Has a Crystal Ball When It Comes to Real Estate Trends, and the News Is Good

By Jay Frucci
2 min read

FCG Has a Crystal Ball When It Comes to Real Estate Trends, and the News Is Good

Amid a flood of bad news over the last two years, there are some bright spots this spring. Covid numbers are dropping. The snow is melting. The days are longer, warmer and brighter.


Have we turned a corner?


Yes, and the two-year price-spiraling frenzy in the housing market may be easing as well. I can say that with some confidence based on years of experience. Here at FCG, we are a barometer of real estate trends.


FCG is often the first to know when houses or condos are going up for sale. We find out long before homeowners hire a realtor, set a price or tell the neighbors. That’s because months before any contracts are signed, homeowners will sidle up to our service desk and confide a secret: “We’re going to be putting our house on the market and we have some furniture we’d like to sell.”


Our crystal ball has some good intel for you this spring. The gridlock in the real estate market is about to burst. Based on what we have been hearing from potential consigners, there will be a flood of new houses going on the market this spring. You’ll have some new neighbors by the Fourth of July.


For two long and confusing years, the pandemic foiled a lot of plans: to marry, to start a family, to retire. Now the path seems clearer – or at least that’s what our customers are telling us. Jobs seem more stable. Work at home appears to be a lasting change. Work from anywhere is an exciting new reality.


Recently, a young mother stopped by our store in Hanover. She had an infant in arms, a toddler in a stroller and five-year-old in tow. “Our family went from one to three children during Covid,” she said, adding that they’ve outgrown their starter home. Now in the market for a larger house, she is already shopping for children’s bedroom furniture, trusting that they’ll find that new house one way or another.


I believe we are in a period of transition from worry to excitement, from nerves to conviction. There’s a new willingness to move forward with faith and fortitude. Trust the process. Life will take us where we need to go. FCG is here to help.

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